Providence Singers
Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Held via ZOOM
January 11, 2023
Josh Krugman, Chairman. Members; Jim Burress, Neil Brafman, Jenica Reed Conley, Bradford Louison, Suzanne Nassise, Mell Roca, Margaret Veresko, Terry Karaniuk, Allison Picard, Lori Andrews and Kyleen Carpenter. Elaine Cunningham, Christine Noel, ex officio.
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. The Minutes of the meeting of September 23, 2022 were unanimously approved.
Executive Director’s Report
Elaine Cunningham discussed grants and contributions received and anticipated, that the fundraising campaign is key, that donor participation has been low so far and that much of her work this year will be on fundraising. The Youth Choir is on track for the February 6, 2023 start and other schools are seeking auditions for their students. She is still looking for an accompanist and two section leaders. The Creation concert at Grace Church was discussed and the increased costs incurred due to the postponement, primarily from unanticipated personnel costs for the orchestra members, including additional travel reimbursements for out of state musicians and for a piano forte. Current projects were discussed including the In Harmony launch, a spring gala, and the March concert with its licensing and streaming video.
Artistic Director’s Report
Dr. Noel discussed the programs for next season, including Mendelssohn’s Elijah and Considering Matthew Shepard, for which she suggested that its performance be at the WaterFire Arts Center. Elaine said she would consider applying for grants for that performance. The Chair asked to evaluate the costs for both an organ or chamber orchestra for the performance of Elijah and to create two budgets for each so that they can each be considered. There are no plans for a collaboration with the RI Philharmonic for 2024. Christine discussed having another opera gala or one performing British music. An opera program was favored by a consensus of the members of the board. She discussed her efforts to seek a commission from a BIPOC composer and that Reema Esmail is being considered, but that she is only available to provide a work in 2025-2026.
Discussed dedicating a concert to a supporter who passed away and how to acknowledge chorus members or their family members who pass away.
Budget and Finance Committee
Jim Burress said that we began the year with a balanced budget and the large donation recently made to the Singers.
Resource and Development Committee
Josh discussed that spring gala, which was still planned for the spring, and how the committee evaluated the Providence Art Club and the Blithewold mansion in Bristol. The Providence Art Club seemed the best as far as an appropriate venue and as to costs. A break-even analysis was exhibited with an attendance projection. The matter was referred to the committee for further discussion and decision.
Governance Committee
Suzanne Nassise discussed several potential candidates for Board membership and her efforts to contact them.
At the conclusion of the meeting the purchase of the new risers was discussed.
Executive Session
At 8:42 p.m. a motion was made and passed to enter into Executive Session. Executive Session closed at 9:06 p.m. There being no further business before the Board, a motion to adjourn was made and passed and the meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Brad Louison
Bradford N. Louison, Secretary
January 12, 2023